Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"FREE" For a Good Man by Stone

WORK-IN-PROGRESS, SINGLE, AFRICAN AMERICAN female seeking a male preferably 6 ft or better, chocolate skin tone, athletic frame, upper six figure salary, lustful smile, stylish footwear with matching belt, dons designer attire, purchases expensive watches, has utmost distaste for replica and knock-offs, homeowner in upscale neighborhood, frequent patron at linen tablecloth restaurants, exclusive credit card member, ability to command "envy me" stares when out in public, drives automobiles of distinction and vacations in exotic locations.

Am I another female hypnotized by illusions of glamour, superficial, morally-compromising, deceiving conformities ever-present in this world? There are numerous magazines, talk-shows, movies and lifestyles of the rich and famous shows that encouraged my "Good Man" standards list. Why am I a willing participant of fads, latest styles, clichés and absurd expectations?

I've often thought about my standards and expectations for what I consider an ideal mate. My check-list routinely consists of height, complexion, physique and willingness to cater to my every whim. Everyday I question myself about my obvious shallowness. In my opinion, outward appearance and financial stability should be bullet points. After all, attraction and lifestyle are key components when selecting a mate. But it should not be the deciding factors.

As I mature and exercise wisdom, my interaction with guys and conversations with girlfriends in solid relationships, allow me to focus more on genuine measures of a man and less on possible fleeting characteristics. I recently read a book titled "Who are you." It motivated me to consider if answering that question honestly, would lead me to the reason for the type of men I've encountered in my past and possibly help me to define meaningful attributes for my "Good Man."

Loneliness is a reality I face daily which reinforces the importance of my new-found self-imposed criteria. FREE FOR A GOOD MAN; spiritual, respectful, trustworthy, spoiled, stimulating, spontaneous, cultural, adventurous, grounded, positive attitude, selfless female seeking same with opportunities for improvement and growth.

By Stone
Check out some more of her work at Timbooktu.com

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